JBIS for Bombik & CAC for Tex and Borgi!
Saturday - Club show KCHMPP.
I handled 6 border collies and 1 australian shepherd there. It was very nice show and I had a lot of friends there, so I enjoyed all day. Awesome win was with Bombik - junior australian shepherd. We won class, best junior in breed and finally... Junior Best in Show! I was and I am so so happy about this win! I also met my Roxy's brothers named Arry and Andy. They both are very pretty males with great characters. I handled Arry in veteran class and won first place over very pretty and titled male. Tex won his class and he is candidate for Czech Champion title now.
Sunday - Club show BCCCZ.
This show was only for border collies. Bitches were judged by Judith Gregory (Tonkory kennel) and dogs by Heather Turner (Locheil kennel). I handled 5 border collies. Tex won second place and reserve CAC. It was very rainy day and all photos are taken after rain.
Club show KCHMPP / Club show BCCCZ
Handled by me:
JCh. Arséne Wenger Diamond Rush, junior class: Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, JBIS / -
Ealing Eset Bashmar, baby class: Very promising 1 / Very promising 3
Borgi Bashmar, working class: Excellent 1, CAC / Very good
Danger Wendaja, open class: Excellent 3 / Very good
Borderline Country Ravel, champion class: Excellent 1 / -
Arry Ganden Monge, veteran class: Excellent 1 / Excellent 1 (no CAC in veteran class)
My dog:
MultiJCh. Wedgewood's Dark Lord, intermedium class: Excellent 1, CAC / Excellent 2, reserve CAC