Club shows 2017
Tex was very good 3rd out of 5 dogs on Saturday and excellent 1st out of 3 dogs on Sunday. Unfortunately I couldn't handle him on Sunday because I were in the second ring with Roxy. Thanks to Eva, who did it.
Roxy won her class out of 3 females on Saturday and was 2nd on Sunday. She was excellent both days.
I also handled open male boy Jack - good/excellent
Roxy's brother Arry in veteran class - excellent 1st and best coloured male / excellent 2nd
And Dexter on Saturday, champion class - excellent 3rd.
Ganden Monge kennel where is Roxy from - 4th best kennel out of 7 / 5th best kennel out of 5
I enjoyed this show a lot. I am happy I met all my friends and can't wait for the next year!
- VCh. Arry Ganden Monge - best coloured male
- VCh. Arry Ganden Monge - Ex1, veteran class
- VCh. Arry Ganden Monge
- GCh. Ch. MultiJCh. Wedgewood's Dark Lord - VG3, honour class
- GCh. Ch. MultiJCh. Wedgewood's Dark Lord - Ex1, honour class
- GCh. Ch. MultiJCh. Wedgewood's Dark Lord - Ex1, honour class
- GCh. Ch. MultiJCh. Wedgewood's Dark Lord - Ex1, honour class
- GCh. Ch. MultiJCh. Wedgewood's Dark Lord - Ex1, honour class
- VCh. ICh. MultiCh. Brendy Ganden Monge - Ex1, honour class
- Ganden Monge kennel
- GCh. Ch. JCh. American Dexter Morgan of Real Shepherds - Ex3, champion class
- GCh. Ch. JCh. American Dexter Morgan of Real Shepherds - Ex3, champion class